Linen Closet Organization

 It’s Organization Monday again!! I don’t know about you but I have struggled for years for ways to keep my linen closet as neat and organized as I want it. There was always those horrible to fold fitted sheets, random sheets and pillowcases that do not belong to a matching set! It’s enough to drive anyone who has OCD crazy!!

So here are a few tips to keeping the linen closet organized!! What I wouldn’t have given for these tips YEARS ago!!

1. Want to keep out moths, mice, anything pest-like that loves linens? Put a Chai tea bag in there! You can get cheap Chai tea bags anywhere. I put 1 in each drawer or 1 on each shelf. (WARNING: If you have an allergy to cinnamon, or any other spice use Chai with caution as it has cinnamon and other spices in it.) Not only do pests not like the smell, most of us humans DO like the smell.

2. With matching sets of sheets, take 1 pillowcase, fold all the sheets and other pillowcases neatly and put inside the pillowcase. Now your entire set is in 1 place and you can grab and go. This is handy when having sleepovers for kids or guests overnight. Grab a full pillowcase, hand to your guest and they are ready to go! You can also do this with non-matching sets if you don’t mind your sheet not matching the pillowcase.

3. Fold sheets thinly, (usually in half, then fold the length in half again) and store between the mattress and box spring with pillowcases. This keeps them wrinkly free and easily accessed when changing the sheets!

Here’s how I use the system:

Obviously there is a set on the bed.

1 set under the mattress for when I change the sheets.

The rest go in the pillowcases, in the closet.

Then I rotate as I change the sheets and wash them!


Hope this helps tame the Linen Closet Beast! Anyone else have any ideas or tips?

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One thought on “Linen Closet Organization

  1. grapesgripesandgratitude

    Omgosh! Love the pillow case one (love all)! Sooo doing this!

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