Posts Tagged With: Oatmeal

Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Baked Oatmeal

This recipe was a life saver! One of the hardest parts of my new healthier lifestyle is giving up chocolate. My husband says chocolate deprivation turns me into a monster. Not only did this recipe save his sanity it has been a lifesaver with the kiddos. I like breakfast to be easy and while I love cereal 20 minutes later the kiddos are like raging lions asking for snacks. This recipe is not only delicious and healthy it is filling!! With the ingredients going into it how could it not be??
I found this recipe here –> Chocolate Covered Katie. This blog is amazing for anyone on a vegan or gluten free diet, or even anyone who is just trying to get healthier but can’t give up dessert! It gives meaning to the phrase “Have your cake and eat it too.”

The only problem I saw with any of the recipes (and trust me it is a VERY TINY problem that a little math can solve) is that most of the recipes are in single serving format.

So I took the above recipe multiplied it by 6 and filled a 8×8 pan. I honestly probably could have filled a bigger pan with it. The good thing about recipes is you can tweak and adjust as you need as long as you keep the ingredients in proportion with each other.

I cut it into servings, wrapped them and froze them. Now all I have to do is pop it in the microwave for a bit and the kids have breakfast and I have dessert!!


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